Carnival festivities are always a good chance to dress up in a cool way and stroll around big cities.
Also this year I spent it in Venice, just having a normal stroll with my best friend, no funny clothes, no weird photos, just a walk to enjoy sunshine and eat food, as always.

Carnival in Venice is pretty busy, streets are really narrow, it is hard to walk freely but the sight of the clothes is stunning, people seem to spend a lot of effort in sewing their costumes, they are just too lovely to see.


People have been really nice to pose for crowd.

I suppose that probably I will be assent for a bit, or maybe I will be able to put a post here about my weekend in Seville before returning to work as au pair in Almeria. But don't worry, I will try to save money in order to buy a little tablet to be connect with the net, even from Spain, or maybe follow the adventure in my Instagram page!

Until next time, my friends.
Have a lovely day

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